
This assignment was for three individual seed packets representing a cause to educate young adults to mature every day working men and women. Breez seeds exists to raise awareness for Canadians with respiratory diseases and people who are immunocompromised. The effects of toxins we breathe daily that harm oneself. Promoting lung health and educating to prevent lung disease, how to breathe cleaner oxygen in and outside your home. Visit Canadian Lung Association to help fund lung health research, volunteer or donate! Or to read up on how they are helping Canadians breathe a little easier!
Your Lungs bring fresh oxygen into your body. They remove the carbon dioxide and other waste gases that your body does not need -Canadian Lung Association
Over 3 million Canadian’s must cope with serious respiratory diseases- asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, influenza and pneumonia, bronchiolitis, tuberculosis (TB), cystic fibrosis, and respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) – Canadian Institute for Health Information
Lung cancer is the most common cancer in Canada- Government of Canada
The colors I have chosen I think portray the image of elements, specifically air, more calming. The plants and cause I have chosen coincide with one another, the illustrations represent lungs with plants that help provide cleaner oxygen coming out of your lungs. The typeface for my logo, headers and tagline gives a look of wind blowing, flowing along, and very aesthetic to look at.
Technical feats:
The backgrounds of the seed packets were created with a watercolor palette and brushes, for a more unique look.
My hope is my seed packets will bring awareness and help people discover new ways to prevent lung disease by buying a product that will overall help one’s health.